A book for all Technical Writers

The Essential Guide to Mastering MadCap Flare is primarily intended for those beginning but want a quick start to eventually mastering Flare. The book covers the various tasks you’ll encounter in developing and implementing Flare projects. In addition, you’ll get an introduction to the primary UI components — including Editors, Windows, and Menus; as well as a guide to using the many tools and features designed to enhance the outputs and to make your job easier along the way.

Much consideration went into the content and design of this book. Given the seemingly endless ways of doing each job in Flare and no fixed sequence, a primary goal was to include everyday tasks that a user would eventually need to perform. Then, briefly present each task by describing the basic concept, the essential elements, and providing appropriate application tips. The idea was to gather the topics necessary in helping you get right to work and become productive with Flare.

You can read the book from cover to cover if you like, but that is unnecessary. If you are new to Flare, the tutorial at the start of each chapter is a great place to begin. As your project calls for a particular task, turn to the appropriate topic to find a quick introduction, followed by a step-by-step procedure. Using the Table of Contents, you can quickly find a particular task; and the Appendices offers other practical information. With the Glossary and Index, you can soon become familiar with Flare-specific and related terminology.

470 pages
Chapters: 12
Appendix: Yes
Glossary: Yes
Index: Yes

Paperback: $54.99
Kindle: $29.99

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